Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Here I come! Windows 8 Is Coming in 2012!

Microsoft's next version of the Windows operating system, Windows 8, will debut in 2012, according to the Company CEO Steve Ballmer on Monday.

Ballmer made the announcemet in Tokyo, speaking to an audience of software developers. Observers had been expecting the next version of Windows next year, but this is the first time that the company confirmed the 2012 date. Ballmer told the developers, "as we look forward to the next generation Windows systems, which will come out next year, there's a whole lot more coming," according to a transcript of his speech posted to Microsoft's website.

"As we progress through the year, you ought to expect to hear a lot about Windows8. Windows 8 slates, tablets, PCs, a variety of different form factors," he added.

This is the first time Microsoft has officially confirmed the Windows 8 name.

A 2012 release date would put Windows 8 about 3 years behind Windows 7, which came out in July 2009. Microsoft expects to have sales of more than 350 million copies of Windows 7 this year, and the company has traditionally relied on new versions of its operating system to spur sales.

The operating system is expected to have an updated user interface and will support low-power ARM chips, a move designed to give Microsoft a fighting chance in the emerging tablet computing market.

More details on the upcoming version of Windows could reveal at the upcoming D: All Things Digital conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, next week. Microsoft's Windows division president, Steven Sinofsky is slated to speak there.


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